Top-down mass spectrometry of native proteoforms and their complexes: A community study
12 2024
Source: Nat Methods. 21(12):2388-2396
Alternative Title:Nat Methods
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Description:The combination of native electrospray ionization with top-down fragmentation in mass spectrometry (MS) allows simultaneous determination of the stoichiometry of noncovalent complexes and identification of their component proteoforms and cofactors. Although this approach is powerful, both native MS and top-down MS are not yet well standardized, and only a limited number of laboratories regularly carry out this type of research. To address this challenge, the Consortium for Top-Down Proteomics initiated a study to develop and test protocols for native MS combined with top-down fragmentation of proteins and protein complexes across 11 instruments in nine laboratories. Here we report the summary of the outcomes to provide robust benchmarks and a valuable entry point for the scientific community.
Pubmed ID:38744918
Pubmed Central ID:PMC11561160
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Funding:S10 RR028893/RR/NCRR NIH HHSUnited States/ ; R01GM103479/U.S. Department of Health & Human Services ; National Institutes of Health (NIH)/ ; LOEWE - TRABITA/Hessisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst (Hessen State Ministry of Higher Education, Research and the Arts)/ ; S10 OD018475/CD/ODCDC CDC HHSUnited States/ ; ... More +
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