Supporting National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) in development of evidence-based vaccine recommendations and NITAG assessments – New tools and approaches
10 24 2024
Source: Vaccine. 42(Suppl 4):125610
Alternative Title:Vaccine
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Description:Increasing opportunities for prevention of infectious diseases by new, effective vaccines and the expansion of global immunization programs across the life course highlight the importance and value of evidence-informed decision-making (EIDM) by National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs). The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Task Force for Global Health (TFGH) have developed and made available new tools to support NITAGs in EIDM. These include a toolkit for conducting facilitated training of NITAGs, Secretariats, or work groups on the use of the Evidence to Recommendations (EtR) approach to advise Ministries of Health (MoH) on specific vaccine policies, and an eLearning module on the EtR approach for NITAG members, Secretariat and others. The CDC and TFGH have also supported final development and implementation of the NITAG Maturity Assessment Tool (NMAT) for assessing maturity of NITAG capabilities in seven functional domains. The EtR toolkit and eLearning have been widely promoted in collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters and Regional Offices through workshops engaging over 30 countries to date, and the NMAT assessment tool used in most countries in 3 WHO regions (Americas, Eastern Mediterranean, African). Important lessons have been learned regarding planning and conducting trainings for multiple countries and additional ways to support countries in applying the EtR approach to complete vaccine recommendations. Priorities for future work include the need to evaluate the impact of EtR training and NMAT assessments, working with partners to expand and adapt these tools for wider use, synergizing with other approaches for NITAG strengthening, and developing the best approaches to empower NITAGs to use the EtR approach.
Pubmed ID:38267328
Pubmed Central ID:PMC11264235
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